Thursday, 19 April 2018

Why We Must Stop the Left's War on America

Those of us who oppose the radical left's agenda too often respond by attacking singular issues, without regard for the greater battle being waged. If there's one consistent beat to which the radical left marches, it is the demonization of Western civilization.

Non-leftists have failed to produce an antidote to this far more poisonous message. Schools have been brainwashing impressionable minds for decades yet, suddenly, we're shocked at the lack of knowledge our young people have about this nation, its founding, its laws and the tremendous strides it has made for humanity.

The United States of America is portrayed—constantly—as a nation with an evil, unjustified founding. This is the bigger picture on which conservatives and all patriotic Americans need to focus.

This is what made Dinesh D'Souza's movie America: Imagine a World Without Her so critical in the fight to preserve this nation. It told uplifting stories of America that the mainstream media and far-left professors don't want the public to know about.

What Dinesh and I have in common is that we are both immigrants from second-world countries: he from India, and I from Lebanon. Legal immigrants from countries such as ours understand that perfection is not of this world, but in terms of nationality, America gets about as close to it as possible.

When I see Americans being brainwashed to believe this country is racist, uncaring or selfish, I wish I could show them the way most people live around the world. Sure, you may have taken a vacation to a Caribbean or Latin American island and stayed in an all-inclusive resort, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the world that exists outside those security guarded walls, the one to which you're warned not to venture alone.

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