Sunday, 24 April 2016

The World of Women

I can concur that the power to procreate, duplicate and multiply in order to forestall the extinction of humankind lies more in the hand of the women than the men. But, the question is--how are the women using that power? Are they using it judiciously or not?

Owing to the feeble nature of the women, I am of the opinion that many of them have been ethereally or mystically cajoled, coerced or persuaded to breed certain calibre of individual human beings outside the ideal.
Most of the women accepted the call to the assignment without a clear understanding of what they are involving into.

The serpent and the forbidden fruit with Eve in the bible should give us a clear picture of how vulnerable the women could be to constructed temptations and persuasion.
That is why I strongly believe that it is the level of education and training of a woman that should be paid greater attention as it would help her make informed decision, resist unnecessary temptations, judge right and adapt positively in society, rather than her physical endowments or carnal desires.

The women are far different creatures from the men.
Remember Lucifer (the princess of this world) in the bible. Remember Samson the strongest and Delilah in the bible.
If man should stand for something positive, suffice it to say that woman is totally the opposite. If man should stand for something noble and uplifting, it can be deduced that woman should stand for something ignoble and degrading.

Therefore, if the power to duplicate, multiply and procreate humankind really lies more in the hand of the women than the men, and the women are this negative, ignoble and degrading; what type of offspring or generation are we looking forward to as it is the prerogative of the women to choose what or who to duplicate, multiply or procreate?

The following myth sheds a thought-provoking light on the predestined assignment of the women and why they are reasonably worldly and distracting; and why the men should be uplifting and focused.

The Almighty creator was believed to have two giant human bodies joined at the waist and buttocks like a siamese twins, and facing the opposite directions. One side was masculine, and the other feminine. Let us call the masculine side man, and the feminine side woman.

The masculine side was benevolent and did only good, whereas the feminine side was malevolent and did only evil.
The feminine side demanded to be appeased before allowing the masculine side to do His good.

After the solidification of the earth's surface, the creator started descending from heaven for final recreation. When the feminine side noticed that the creator was descending in the air, She derived pleasure from diverting her limbs and organs instead of resting them. This in turn tickled the masculine side. The tickling put the masculine side in the mood of erotic ecstasy and prevented him from floating back to the sky.

While on earth, mud and dirt started sticking on His body and He became gradually visible, physical and open to attacks from insects and wild animals. HE then decided to incapacitate and dismantle the feminine side so that She would not hold Him down on earth by Her tickling and that He could fly back to heaven.

The incapacitation took different strategic steps: First, He pulled out Her bones with which He created the ancestors of all the Black people.
Second, He drained Her blood with which He created the ancestors of all the White people. Third, He pulled out Her intestines with which He created the ancestors of all the Asian people.

When Her intestines were removed, the creator Himself stopped eating physical foods. That is why the creator does not eat physical foods until today.

After all the incapacitation, the creator was able to fly back to the heaven from where He control the earth. HE also pulled out the woman's head which He left behind on the earth to become the earth goddess.

Another issue in this context is that women are exotic fetish gender. They never like their background. That could be why they take delight in contending with the men.
With any exotic streak, you can lure a woman out of the real world, and she would be ready to duplicate, multiply and procreate you.

All of us like the beautiful, classy and fine things of life, but what separates an exotic fetishist from the rest of us is the degree of the interest or obsession--which seems to govern all their choices in life.

Exotic fetishists feel empty inside and have strong yearning for acceptance and validation.

If that is the case, is it worth it to leave the choice and power to multiply, duplicate and procreate humankind to the women?

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