The situation at Wheaton
College continues to unravel. Political science professor Dr. Larycia
Hawkins refuses to meet any longer with the administration, and the
college is now initiating the process of firing her—many assume because
she said that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.
Of course, a controversy of this magnitude—it’s been international news for weeks, with stories and comments in the New York Times, The Atlantic, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Guardian, and now Time—is
never actually “all because” of one thing. The media coverage has often
needlessly inflamed the conversation, and yet you could hardly invent a
case that would touch on a greater number of fundamental issues in
Christian higher education:
1. The theological integrity of a Christian institution. Evangelical
Christians want their institutions to have and maintain standards of
belief and behavior. We’ve seen too many historical examples of
Christian institutions that let their theological guard down, and the
result has been the sabotaging of the institutions’ Christian identity.
2. Loving our Muslim neighbors. Islam and Christianity
have literally been at each other’s throats for centuries. We need to
figure out how not to slander one another, let alone kill one another.
We want to encourage fellow believers to take bold steps to foster
better relationships with Muslims.
3. Academic freedom. All truth is God’s truth.
Professors at Christian colleges need freedom to explore truth wherever
they might find it. This includes the right of professors to explore
truth in research or activism. They should especially be protected by
their administration from ill-informed intervention by donors and other
powerful people outside the institution. Both Christian higher education
and its faculties lose when academic freedom is thwarted.
4. Maintaining boundaries. Christians generally
acknowledge that, as Christians, we voluntarily limit our freedom in
order to obey God and flourish in communities. Freedom doesn’t mean that
faculty and administrators can say or do whatever they want. That sort
of freedom quickly saps the strength of any community.
5. Diversity on Christian campuses. White males no
longer reflect the racial and ethnic makeup of contemporary
Christianity. It’s a diverse movement, and evangelical institutions will
be better for reflecting that. A large subtext of this controversy—to
many, the main text—is that Hawkins is not only a woman but also African
American. Losing her would diminish the school in many ways, as Wheaton
administrators surely know.
6. Tenure. Tenure protects professors from arbitrary
actions by the administration and trustees. Tenured professors should
not have to live in fear of losing their jobs—or even being called on
the carpet—over one or two misstatements.
7. Confidentiality. College administrators, and
institutional leaders generally, should be able to have confidential
conversations with each other and with faculty with whom they have
disagreements. A policy of complete transparency would make it
impossible for people to speak frankly for fear that their words would
become public.
8. The right to know. Members of any Christian
community have the right to know what its leaders are thinking and
doing, especially when those leaders’ decisions affect them or the
future of the institution.
These are just a few of the more salient values at stake. Even these
values require some nuance. For example, theologically there is indeed a
limited way in which we can say Muslims and Christians worship the same
God, but in larger and more substantive ways, we don't. That issue
needs careful parsing. How you nuance and rank these values will in
large part determine whom you happen to side with at any given moment in
the controversy.
We at CT are not sure we can unambiguously take a side at this point.
Frankly, we have plenty of reasons to be disappointed with the actions
of both Hawkins and the administration—let alone the accusations and
innuendo being hurled by partisans of each side. It is far from a pretty
witness of Christians sitting down and reasoning together in the manner
of God’s treatment of us (Isa. 1:18).
We are not called to treat each other with patience and charity only
when we agree with one another or disagree over something of little
substance. It’s precisely when big issues are at stake— when decisions
made today will affect entire institutions, professions, and even the
evangelical movement—that we’re called to not bear false witness and not
make premature judgments. Just at the time when it is the absolute
hardest, that’s when we’re called to patience and charity.
This will not be the last controversy to engulf Wheaton, and such
controversies will continue to find their way to other Christian
colleges. The way this controversy has unfolded at Wheaton is not
dissimilar to how controversies unfold elsewhere. The administration
questions the theology of a faculty member; the faculty member says she
has no problem signing the statement of faith; the administration says,
“Not by our interpretation”; and the faculty member is dismissed.
Sometimes that dismissal is justified, to be sure. And sometimes there
are things going on behind the scenes that complicate the issue. But all
things being equal, we wonder if there is a better way to handle
matters like this.
Theological controversies rarely explode because a faculty member
blatantly denies one or more items on the college’s statement of faith.
Instead, administration and faculty disagree over how narrowly or widely
to construe a statement. People start casting aspersions about motives
and honesty. And then, because the administration usually reserves the
right to be the final arbiter of such matters, the faculty member is
fired. The faculty member looks like a martyr, the college looks like a
bully, and the name of Christ is sullied. Badly.
Is there a better way? We think so, especially when the college’s
statement of faith does not specifically address the issue at hand.
Wheaton’s statement of faith says nothing about whether Christians and
Muslims “worship the same God.” The administration says that the
statement is clear enough to reject that idea. Hawkins and friends say
there is plenty of room in the statement to affirm it, while also
reaffirming their commitment to the uniqueness of Christ. It seems to us
that if the matter is, in fact, not clear in the statement, and if
members of that college community actually disagree about the
interpretation of the statement on this point—well, the place to begin
is not by assuming the worst on each side. The college doesn’t have to
flex its muscles nor does the accused have to play the martyr. If in
fact, there is a point in genuine dispute, does it not make sense,
especially at a Christian institution of higher learning, to sit down
together and take some time to study?
This could take weeks of intense dialogue, and not just privately
between the accuser and the accused. Many people with varied expertise
could be invited to discuss the issue. Students could be invited to
participate in the process as well.
This does not relieve the school of the responsibility of making a
final determination. Not everything that is up for discussion and
investigation is simply a matter upon which we can agree to disagree.
So, the administration may decide that it has not been clear and begin
the process of formally clarifying its standards. Or it may decide that
after community input, the matter can be left to the individual’s
conscience. Or it may decide, no, the faculty member’s stance is still
not within the bounds and let the person go, on a timetable and with
severance pay that conveys respect.
Surely it is not too late for this to happen at Wheaton.
We don’t know all the issues involved behind the scenes. Such a
process—not just a process to terminate a faculty member’s employment,
but a process to clarify the institution’s commitments— may not be
possible given factors we are unaware of. Still, we’re wondering if the
college can withdraw its recommendation to fire Hawkins, as well as end
its suspension of her. We’re wondering if it would be possible for
Hawkins to agree to resume talking with the college, and stop talking to
the public, about this matter. We’re wondering if everyone can take a
deep breath, acknowledging they haven’t always done right by those with
whom they disagree. We’re wondering if the college can initiate a public
conversation on the topic that ignited the firestorm, inviting people
of various views to argue their case. We’re wondering if this could
become a model for the world, that when it comes to the most important
issues, we Christians can speak with wisdom and charity to one another.
Of course, after such conversations, a decision will have to be made.
This process might not actually change what currently appears to be the
most likely outcome—because no process guarantees a happy ending. But it
might help model how Christians agree to disagree and move on without
anger, resentment, and ongoing hostility. This would be a great legacy
for Wheaton College to leave our movement and the world.
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