Monday, 29 February 2016

The Key to Access the Place That Torments the Devil

Admittedly, I spent far too many of my early Christian years living idly while the devil toyed with my emotions, tormented me with the past and instigated fear about the future. And many of you can probably admit the same.

The truth is, we let the devil have far too much fun for far too long. But you can turn the tables today.

In my book, Silence Satan, I write extensively about the victory of the cross and how it shuts the enemy's access to your past. But the Lord showed me that the cross does even more. It gives you access to a place of ultimate protection—right now.

Separation From God

Because of sin, humankind lost direct access to the presence of God. Instead, God rested His presence in a special place in the temple, separated by a black curtain. This was called the "holy of holies." Once a year, only a high priest could enter this place to make a sacrifice for the sins of God's people.

Understand that this temple curtain was the quintessential symbol of the consequences of the works of the devil. It kept the people separated from God, and God from His people.

Restored Access to God's Protection

But at the cross, something happened that changed everything. When Jesus' perfect blood was shed once and for all, the mission was complete. God's mighty hands then grabbed that loathed curtain and sent it flying into two pieces. This signaled that God's presence would no longer reside inside of a temple, but rather, would be with His people—inside each of us. With this, God restored anytime access to His presence and all its benefits: joy, peace and healing.

But there's more! In Psalm 23, David refers to God's presence as a place of safety. "I will not be afraid," David boasts. "Because God is with me." He then describes something fascinating: "You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies."

I love this picture! In God's presence, we are free to enjoy the feast of the Lord while the enemy stands outside, peering through the window. He may taunt, but he can't be heard. He may salivate, but he can't devour. In essence, God's presence is a place of ultimate protection where you can boast, "Na-na, na-na, boo boo, you can't get me!"

Declare It!

David's declaration in Psalm 23 is a powerful one for you to make your own: "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid. God is close beside me; He is my protection." How awesome! The presence of God is here, right now, for you to enjoy and find refuge in. And that's torment to the devil. Because in God's presence, Satan can look, but he can't touch!

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