Saturday 13 February 2016

Oklahoma judge upholds law requiring abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges

An Oklahoma judge has ruled an admitting privileges law is constitutional -- a decision abortion advocates say they will appeal to the state's Supreme Court.
According to, County District Judge Don Andrews said that the state "has a legitimate, constitutionally recognized interest in protecting women's health," and that women getting abortions should have access to "prompt and efficient health care, when necessary."
Andrews said the bill, which was overwhelmingly passed by state legislators and signed into law in May 2014, does not target abortionists or women going to them for abortions.
In a statement, Attorney General Scott Pruitt praised Andrews' decision. “Oklahoma lawmakers passed this bill to protect the health and safety of Oklahoma women requiring quick and efficient emergency care," said Pruitt. "The law requires abortion facilities to follow health and safety protocols similar to those for outpatient surgical centers and birthing centers. We are pleased that the court agreed with us that this bill is constitutional."
Thanks to a prior state Supreme Court ruling, the law will not take effect until litigation has ended. The Center for Reproductive Rights has said it will appeal to the state Supreme Court, with president Nancy Northrup saying in a statement that "Politicians across the country have made it their mission to cut off women's access to essential reproductive health care under the guise of protecting their health."
A similar Texas law is slated to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in March of this year, which could settle the constitutionality of admitting privilege laws.

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