Monday 15 February 2016

University of Westminster 'invades privacy' by putting CCTV cameras in prayer rooms

The University of Westminster has been accused of invading students' privacy after it installed CCTV cameras in campus prayer rooms without consulting the Students Union.
The move was highlighted by the student website The Quintin Hogg, which said the cameras were installed in all prayer rooms and multi-faith quiet rooms as a "policy decision" and that there was "no clear signage" to warn students they might be observed.
The University has been accused of intruding on students' privacy.
University of Westminster Students Union president Jim Hirschmann said: "The cameras were implemented without our input and as a Union we are naturally concerned about the privacy of our members and have made our opposition clear to senior University staff."
He added: "the lack of understanding leads to a lack of trust, some anger and frankly a degree of fear."
The Quintin Hogg says it is believed the decision to install cameras came after an alleged assault last summer.
Hirschmann said he had been told footage from the female prayer room can only be accessed if it is approved by a senior female member of staff.
Not all students are opposed: 'Noor', a first year student said:
"I remember going into the prayer room the first time and saw the camera right away just above the entrance to the room, I think it's very good because even I get worried going to the prayer room."
However, Fiyaz Mughal of Faith Matters said: "This is very concerning and utterly ludicrous, students who want to reflect and pray should have the ability to do so without intrusion."
A spokesperson from the University of Westminster said: "In making this decision, it was not the university's intention to cause alarm or offence. As these rooms are quiet, reflective and often solitary spaces, it is important to make sure people feel secure – and not vulnerable. This is an approach adopted by other public institutions around quiet spaces, such as hospital chapels.
"The University held a meeting with the Students' Union and as a result additional measures were put in place to make sure that the privacy of female students would be respected. This means that any footage can only be viewed by a female senior staff member. The University has a clear and transparent CCTV policy, which can be freely accessed on our website."

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