Thursday, 12 May 2016

Apple's Siri Plays Starring Role in Miraculous Life-Saving Event

The talk of personal technological advancement is enough to drive some to the hills; but in one case, God used Apple's Siri to provide a life-saving miracle.
Teen Sam Ray was working under his truck when the vehicle collapsed, pinning him to the ground and crushing his arm and core.
No person was around to answer his cries for help. When a prayer came to his lips, he asked God for a miracle.

"It was a very labored job to breathe," Ray says. " ... I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt where I was going if this was the end, so it made the moment so much easier to deal with."

After a half-hour of fighting for his life, Ray heard Siri's familiar line: "What can I help you with?"

Ray pleaded with his phone to call 9-1-1, and the voice-activated technology obliged, leading to the teen's rescue.
Watch the video to see the rest of his story. 

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