Wednesday 10 February 2016

Here's What Supporters of Sharia Law Want to Bring to America

What has not been reported by mainstream media is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the 2016 election: encouraging Islamists to vote and engage in politics.
It should be noted first and foremost that Islam is not a religion and its totalitarian, political ideology is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution.
On January 3, 2016, the Founder and Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad, encouraged attendants at a MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America) conference to become involved in politics, vote, and establish political action committees.
Referring to his campaign, "MOBILIZING MUSLIMS," Awad stressed that Muslim voters were critical to changing America.
He declared:
"If pro-Muslim candidates win in this fall's election, America will be a 'very different country'. What American Muslims do and do not can determine not only the future of you here, but the future of America itself – the future relationship between America and the Muslim world."
Awad hopes to register one million Muslim voters to vote in the 2016 election. He said:
"If you don't like Islamophobia, if you don't like what Donald Trump says, what Ben Carson said, get busy in 2016. Get busy in 2016, register to vote, and register other people to vote, if you don't know how to do it, Google it. Turn your centers, Islamic centers, mosques into registration centers for voters, into polling stations during the election time. This is the time to tell our narrative and to show our presence.
"We have to register every single Muslim to vote in 2016. The Muslim vote can be the swing vote in major states. The swing votes, brothers and sisters you know them: Florida, Ohio. Do we have people from Florida here? Do we have people from Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania? These are predicted to be the seven swing states in 2016 presidential election. The number of Muslims in these states is growing."
The problem with CAIR's initiative is that no one who follows the Qur'an can honestly claim to follow the Constitution. The former, advocates for human rights abuses inherent to Islam, against which the Constitution prohibits.
Those who support Islamic ideology advocate that the following are legally permissible under Shari'a law:
  • Female genital mutilation (genitals being cut and sewn shut),
  • Honor killings (fathers or brothers kill their daughters/sisters),
  • Child marriage (girls under age 12 are married to adult men),
  • Slavery (girls are sold for "protection" by their parents and/or kidnapped and sold at slave bazaars),
  • Shari'a Councils (Imams marry girls – even for one hour– to men, then divorce them only to marry them to another man and divorce them again),
  • Wife abuse and domestic violence (husbands are instructed to beat their wives as a form of punishment); husbands are permitted to rape their wives,
  • Non-legal status for women who are considered property (a wife's legal rights equate to only half of her husband's),
  • Discrimination, punishment, and death for everyone based on sexual and religious orientation, especially if they will not "convert" to Islam.
Instead, Muslims in America and worldwide should head this Egyptian woman's warning; she says of her own experience witnessing an Islamic transformation in her country:
"Islam is a supremacist racist political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals. It seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions. Islam is worse than Nazism and fascism systems combined without any doubt."
Furthermore, there are roughly 109 verses in the Qur'an instructing followers "to wage war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule." Even Muslims who don't go along with the goal of Islamic rule will be labeled 'hypocrites,' and killed according to blasphemy or apostasy laws.
If CAIR's efforts don't sound the alarm bell for Americans to recognize what's at stake for future generations, voting will be the least of their concerns. Muslims engaging in politics will soon be considered a "religious freedom" exercise, if CAIR's ongoing nationwide involvement in American politics is any indication despite its designated "terrorist organization" status.

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