Wednesday 10 February 2016

How to Guard Your Thoughts From the Enemy

The Lord's Word says to "put on the helmet of salvation." Salvation, when studied, means deliverance; therefore look at this Scripture as to put on the helmet of deliverance.
Why does His Word tell us to put on deliverance, and above all, on our head, over our mind? Our Father knew our struggles would be in our mind. Lies, deception and demonic attacks are rooted in a seducing, mind-binding spirit. It gets your thoughts focused in the wrong direction—in fact, an unhealthy and unproductive thought pattern.
Our Father created us and knows us intricately. He is also familiar with the devil and his schemes and tactics.
You see, we have an action. We have something to do. We have to put on our helmet of deliverance. He has already given us the helmet of deliverance, but we have to put it on to guard our minds and thoughts to be focused on Christ Jesus. We need to put on our helmet of deliverance so that we have the mind of Christ and His way of thinking since we have the Spirit of God within us.
We need to pause and think as Christ would think, not as our flesh would want to rise up and make us think, or as the enemy would trap us into thinking. We need to walk throughout life knowing that strong helmet is over our mind, covered and secured.
The enemy can only penetrate our thoughts as far as we allow him to. We need to get strong like that armor. Picture the fiery darts attacking our shield of faith and our breastplate of righteousness. The first place those darts come in is our minds.
It is then that what is released in our minds affects our shield of faith and breastplate of righteousness. We need to remove the obstacles and hindrances of our minds through prayer by taking each thought captive and by reading the Word of God. God told me once, "Kathy, if your mind is so full of My Scriptures, there will be no room for the negative, fearful thoughts."
God has given us the plan of action. It is in His Word. Get in His word, the Bible, and fill yourself with good thoughts, with the thoughts and promises of God. Get so full in His word there isn't room for anything else.
Look at the helmet of salvation differently. It is not just a helmet of salvation, of reassurance you will enter the pearly gates one day, it is the helmet of your deliverance. He already paid the price. Put your helmet on tight. Guard your thoughts. Receive what He has done and receive your deliverance supernaturally today!

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