Friday 5 February 2016

The Prophetic Meeting of Major World Leaders No One's Talking About

Pope Francis met with the leader of Iran in a meeting Breaking Israel News dubbed the prophetic fulfillment of Esau and Ishmael uniting against Israel. 
"For Bible believers, these and similar news items that reflect increasing cooperation between the Arab world and the West should be viewed as fulfillment of ancient Jewish prophecy," BNI's Rivkah Lambert Adler writes. 
"Jewish tradition contains a 2,000-year-old prophecy that the children of Esau (today's Western nations) and the children of Ishmael (today's Arab nations) will unite against the Jewish people at the end of days," Adler continues. 
According to the New York Times, Pope Francis met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to encourage Rouhani to find political solutions for the various Middle Eastern conflicts. 
Pope Francis also praised Iranian Nuclear negotiations. 
"In hope we entrust to the merciful Lord the framework recently agreed to in Lausanne, that it may be a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world," the pope said, according to Bloomberg News. 
Though Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has virtually moved on from his vehement protests against the Iran Nuclear deal, he still voices many concerns. 
"Let's block Iran's other aggression in the region, because they're doing everything.
They're trying to encircle Israel with a noose of death," Netanyahu said, according to CNN. "They're sending weapons to the Houthis. They're in Iraq. They're in Afghanistan. They're all over the place. In Yemen, of course. Let's bolster those forces to stand up to Iran's aggression in the region, and none is stronger, none is more reliable than Israel."
Yet Iran continues to mock Israel, threatening to rain down 80,000 missiles on the Jewish nation.
But with the pope supporting Iran nuclear negotiations and the recognition of the Palestine State, people like Adler and end-time expert and author Rabbi Pinchas Winston believe it's traditional Jewish prophecies coming to pass. Adler says the alliance was forged in the book of Genesis. 
Winston explains the modern application: "Many in the West, especially in Europe, have overlooked the 'sins' of the Arab world while ignoring the virtues of the Jewish state. They also either make up Israeli flaws or overexaggerate smaller ones.
"In short, they have confused David for Goliath and Goliath for David, with little or no remorse at all. For believers, this is nothing short of a miraculous but disturbing fulfillment of prophecy and a serious wake-up call," Winston says.

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